Wooven Villa

Wooven Villa

Our perceptions about Vietnam are colored by a sense of real and imagined distance as a result of different Cold War experiences. However, there are linkages in cultural history and traces of similarity to be found in local life. An image of a half-sphere woven boat swaying back and forth on the sea, seemingly heading to nowhere, but finally arriving at its target destination under the control of a Vietnamese seaman, without any rush or panic, is imprinted in our shared perception.

What fascinates us is to see the creation of an exaggerated-scale handicraft object used for a new function that goes beyond our expectation. A delicate basket has become a huge structure, even capable of containing a few humans inside, and never sinks!

Golf Lodges compounds are groups of guest rooms to accommodate for both short and long leisure stays. We brought the cultural and material impressions noted above to inform and transform the architectural area. A woven mat rolls up from the floor to become a roof providing shelter. A curve turns into a shelter for guests to embrace a habitat, a special environment not defined by architecture. 

Our intention is to use disordered elements and non-generic building forms to welcome guests to go beyond the rules. A moment of living in a place of escape will create lasting memories for guests.   

Type:                         Resort hotel

Location:                   Vietnam

Building Area:           150-250 sqm each villa

Site Area:                  16,000 m²

Construction Cost :    NA.